
The Best Way to Clean Up Oil Spills In The Rain

by in Absorbing property, Coco Absorbant, Effects, Oill Spill, Spills December 4, 2021

Drip. Slosh. Plop. Drop. Is this a sound you’ve heard before? If you work around heavy machinery, transformers, or any mobile outside area, you may know it. Oil spills and leaks are nothing new to these sectors. Even minor leaks might cause major problems. From slip and fall dangers to environmental concerns, there are a number of issues that can arise.

Discharged oil can cause an environmental disaster, whether it’s a huge spill or a long-term leak. Typically, we hear about massive 168,000 gallon spills like the Galveston Oil Spill in 2014 or the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010. Unreported tiny leaks and spills, on the other hand, have the greatest influence on our ecosystem over time.

Oil Pollution in Water

Only 8% of the tens of millions of gallons of oil that enter our oceans each year is due to spills from tankers or pipelines! The remaining 92% is generally due to leaks or operator errors. Industrial and commercial establishments are where the majority of these toxins end up in our environment. Then they put our health and safety at risk.

Even if it’s in perfect operating order, the equipment has a tendency to leak oil. The following are significant sources of oil leaks and spills:

  • automobiles
  • heavy equipment
  • recreational boats that leak off oil

The oil collects on the asphalt. The rain then makes its way into storm drains and our rivers the next time it rains.

That’s when a minor leak can escalate into a major issue. Oil and fuel that leaks into storm drains or neighboring soil and streams can harm wildlife, the environment, and sensitive ecosystems, all of which have an influence on human health.

The Clean Up 

The four steps of a successful clean up are: 

Control the Spill

 • Double-check that the area is safe to enter.

• Keep an eye out for gases and approach from the side. 

• Put on appropriate PPE  for the situation.

• Close valves, lift drum to an upright position, and so on to ensure the spill does not continue.

Contain the Spill

• Surround the spill with absorbent ( SopUp Spill Absorbent – is an all-natural bio-remediation product designed to clean oils, chemicals and hazardous liquid wastes) to keep it out of drains, sewage systems, pipes, and cable ducts. This reduces the chances of an explosion or subsequent pollution of the equipment and surroundings. Pallets and other equipment should be removed from the area.

• Flood the area with water and steer the thinly spread spill to a low region in the laydown yard while ensuring booms circle the area and confine the spill. This approach must be handled with caution and effectively managed. The spill was contained by the booms to a 3m x 10m area during our clean-up effort.

• Slowly go from the shallow end of the contained puddle to the deeper half, dragging the booms across the water’s surface to concentrate the oil into a limited area, tying the booms together using cable ties.

Clean Up the Spill 

• Leave the oil-absorbing booms in the water.

• To capture the bulk oil, place cushions in the deepest part of the puddle.

• To conclude the cleanup, place pads on top of any remaining floating oil.

• Place all used absorbents in disposal bags to be picked up by a waste management firm.

Remediate the Site

• On the outskirts of the spill location, we discovered trapped oil residue in the soil.

• This land was reclaimed and covered with Global Peat (a biologically active, biodegradable, oil absorbent).

• A fine dusting of Global Peat was then applied to the affected soil, which was roped off and misted with water.

• After that, the region was left to bioremediate for a few months, with thin layers of peat and water being added on a regular basis.

More details can be found here:

Here’s some information on how to remove spilled oil with SopUpTM Coco Absorbant and the most recent article on Oil Spillage Prevention – Popular Methods And Safety Precautions in The Sopup Coco Absorbant that might be of interest to you.

We hope you found this information to be beneficial!

If this is the case, you should look into Sopup Coco Absorbant Products; they may be truly fascinating.
