
Spill! Careless with SopUp

by in Absorbant advantages, Coco Absorbant, Uses April 17, 2021

Spills, stains are a common occurrence in daily life. Without question, cleaning is an errand that everyone is vexed with.

If not falls, injuries, worse the bone-spleen dislocation are of no doubt. 

Why be bothered so much? While SopUpTM is there when you seek!!

SopUpTM  Coco Absorbant, made of coconut coir, is 100% natural and potentially high absorbing and long lasting products that absorbs almost 10 times the weight of the liquid spill.  

It eventually clumps the spills and doesn’t leave behind any filmy residues. Instead, the spill space is completely cleaned and made spotless

We suggest you to keep SopUpTM in close proximity to the area where leaks, spill are regular and it is easy to respond quickly.  

SopUpTM comes in handy, since the packing made using recycled thick polyethylene plastic, it can be stored in minimum space, be placed in heavy-duty buckets, thus making transport easier-faster. If the pack is tightly shut, it can last longer than months together.  

SopUpTM is ideal for the uses in,

  • Home-Domestic Purpose
  • Transportation Companies
  • Private/Public Fleet Department
  • RVs’ and Campers. 

If you’re interested in buying Coco Absorbant for use, then click here. 
