
Oil Spill Threatens Wildlife In The Galveston Bay

by in Effects, Oill Spill, Spills January 14, 2022

It appears that yet another fossil fuel accident has occurred. 168,000 gallons of hazardous oil spilled or leaked into Galveston Bay over the weekend. A cargo ship collided with a Kirby Inland Marine oil barge, shutting down The Houston Ship Channel and spewing up to 4,000 barrels of fuel oil. The waterways are still closed, and cleanup efforts are underway to attempt to limit the terrible damage, as is becoming all too often.

The Wildlife Threat

The Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary, which is home to hundreds of bird species, is located near the crash site. The shallow mudflats attract ranging from 50 to 70,000 birds per year to the area. Some shorebirds, including ruddy turnstones, laughing gulls, and American white pelicans, have been discovered oiled. More than 50 oiled birds have been discovered in the sanctuary thus far.

Unfortunately, heavy winds made it impossible to contain the spill, and the oil has now spread along the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern shoreline of Galveston Island. On nearby beaches, such as Eagle Point, there have been reports of oiled birds. “Triage trailers” have been placed up to assist in the treatment of impacted animals, and birds and other wildlife species are being taken to nearby animal rehabilitation institutions to get clean and healthy. According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the oil spill might affect hundreds, if not thousands, of birds.

The National Wildlife Federation’s Gulf Restoration Scientist, Ryan Fikes, explains why the oil leak is so detrimental to birds:

This spill could not have come at a worse moment for migrating birds, who visit to the area in large numbers at this time of year. Migrating birds and marine animals that surface for air, such as sea turtles and dolphins, are particularly vulnerable to this type of sticky, heavy fuel.

As the migratory birds arrive in Galveston Bay, a poisonous and life-threatening oil spill greets them. In fact, many of these birds are moving from Canada, where tar sands production is having a harmful impact. Migratory birds are threatened by fossil fuels from the beginning to the end of their journey.

The oil spilled into Galveston Bay will not be completely cleaned up; spills are never completely cleaned up, and this one will be no exception. Historically, only around 10% of oil spilled in the open sea has been recovered. For decades to come, wildlife and communities will be plagued by unknown long-term consequences.

The Long View

Ironically, this oil leak occurred on the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, which dumped approximately 11 million gallons of oil into the Prince William Sound, making it one of the biggest environmental disasters in history. Today, oil that is nearly as dangerous as it was a quarter-century ago may be found on the shores of Prince William Sound. Although sea otter populations have recently recovered to pre-spill levels, orcas, herring, and many other species face a long road to recovery.

It takes time to fully understand the consequences of a spill. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, crude oil from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon tragedy causes significant abnormalities in tuna developing hearts. The poisonous chemicals in oil are thought to have similar effects on other fish, such as the Pacific herring, which has yet to recover from the Exxon-Valdez spill.

We have no way of knowing what the long-term consequences of this minor but nevertheless significant accident will be. Fish like the economically significant black drum are currently spawning in estuaries like Galveston Bay, nearshore waters of the Gulf, and passageways like the Texas Ship Channel that connects Galveston Bay and the Gulf.

We must take every chance to invest in the Gulf of Mexico’s long-term health and wildlife habitats so that when new oil spills occur, the Gulf is better prepared to handle them.

This spill has occurred as Gulf states and federal agencies strive to repair the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

More details can be found here:

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