
Need for Eco-friendly Absorbent

by in Coco Absorbant March 29, 2021

The need for ecological friendly absorbent started ever since from our use of toxic and hazardous oily-greasy particles. May it be the home use or commercial use, the steady fast clean up needs particularly a reliable, safer, easily accessible and most importantly a cost effective absorbent to get rid of harmful hydrocarbons from the surface. 

The market is fond of exhibiting tons of different oil-absorbent, but none stands as Completely Natural.   

A highly acknowledged, renewable, natural by-product like Coco Derivative aids as a best absorbent option. 

Coco Absorbent fulfils all necessary loopholes of present oil absorbents and is testified as an ‘Eco-friendly Absorbent’. Unlike clay and diatomaceous earth, Coco derivative is absolutely safe; harmless.

Coco Absorbent Features

  • 100% natural, and completely biodegradable
    Coco absorbent are the by-products of Coco extraction, and completely safe for use. After using as absorbent, it can be dumped into landfill or a dump tray.
  • Poses no health threats
    Coco derivative pose no harmful side-effects.
  • Fast cleaning
    Easy and fast cleaning within a flick of seconds. Coco absorbent has superior absorption tendency by nature.
  • Non-dust
    Unlike clay particles, coco products do not leave behind any remnants.
  • Non-reactive
    Coco products are the naturally available inert substance.
  • Compact clumping
    Just a handful of absorbent on the subject area, it immediately forms a compact clump.
  • Light weighted
    No breaking part and fill up the trash bags.
  • Works for all kind of spills
    Regardless of any type spills, coco absorbent works best.
  • Cost effective
    The ultimate purchase strategy of any absorbent, is to be feasible to your budget. Coco absorbent is available at ease at very minimal investment.  

Coco absorbent is a far more effective, less expensive product, that is widely used in Commercial and Industrial Spill Stations and aptly used in home chores.
