
Chemical Spill Disaster – What Are The Causes & Important Precautions Need

by in Effects, Oill Spill, Spills November 13, 2021

Chemicals, which are at the heart of modern industrial processes, have become a major source of worry for disaster management in the government, business sector, and general public. Chemical disasters can be severe in their effects on humans, resulting in casualties as well as harm to the environment and property. The industrial plant, its employees and workers, hazardous chemicals vehicles, people of nearby towns, adjacent buildings, occupants, and the surrounding community are the factors most at risk from a chemical disaster.

Chemical disasters can occur in a variety of ways, including:-

  1. Process and safety systems failures
    • Human errors
    • Errors in technology
    • Errors in management
  2. Natural disasters have an induced effect.
  3. Transportation-related incidents
  4. Processing and disposal of hazardous waste

Small chemical spills of low toxicity that do not pose a significant breathing threat due to being volatile or a dust are normally safe for laboratory employees to clean up. A small spill is one that involves a chemical that isn’t highly poisonous, doesn’t pose a substantial fire or environmental concern, and isn’t in a public location like a hallway. Spills of any quantity of particularly harmful chemicals or chemicals in public places or near drains are classified as large chemical spills.

Causes Of Chemical Spill Disaster

The top four reasons are usually identified as the source of various chemicals incidents:

1. Failure of the equipment

The use of unsuitable equipment, which leads to equipment failure, is one of the leading causes of chemical accidents in the workplace. Chemical storage (for example, storing flammable chemicals in non-flammable storage tanks), mismanagement of containment barriers or spill kits, and malfunctioning valves are all examples of inappropriate equipment. Pressure relief mechanisms, rather than fully functional valves, are insufficient to relieve pressure flow, resulting in a chemical accident.

2. Inadequate safety analysis/review

It is important to conduct risk assessment tests on a regular basis in your plant to ensure that you are following the guidelines and standards in chemical safety management. The entire lack of or absence of a strong chemical safety risk assessment methodology is a major issue in many organisations. Investigations into workplace chemical accidents, particularly large-scale chemical incidents, often show deficiencies in the chemical review and analysis methods. Chemical dangers were increased in workplaces due to a failure to assess chemical safety and storage methods on a regular basis.

3. Operator error

Chemical accidents are likely to happen if an uniformed or untrained member of personnel is handling or encounters chemicals in the workplace. This is referred to as an operator error and can lead to a host of chemical safety risks not only to the operator themselves but to the entire workplace. Operator errors usually occur due to a lack of understanding or training when it comes to safely handling hazardous chemicals. Personnel are not informed of or warned about mistakes they have made when handling or storing chemicals, thus they continue to make the same mistakes, which frequently result in a chemical mishap. This is easily solved with sufficient safety training and chemical management limits, such as allowing only authorised people to handle chemicals or enter chemical storage locations.

4. Warnings are neglected

Many large-scale chemical accidents occur as a result of failing to pay attention to warning indicators such as minor chemical events, spills, or injuries. Minor chemical spills are only cleaned up so that operations can continue without the source of the spill or leak being fully examined or corrected, which could result in a future chemical spill on a bigger scale. Minor chemical fires aren’t thoroughly investigated, thus fundamental reasons like incorrect chemical storage aren’t discovered until after a major chemical explosion. These are only a few examples of how ignoring warnings has resulted in serious chemical incidents.


Precautions to be followed in the event of a chemical (industrial) Spill disaster or accident:

  • Do not panic; instead, exit calmly and rapidly perpendicular to the direction of the wind through the chosen escape route.
  • During the evacuation, cover your face with a damp handkerchief or a piece of cloth.
  • Keep the sick, aged, weak, handicapped, and those who are unable to evacuate inside the house, and shut all doors and windows tightly.
  • Do not eat or drink anything that has been exposed to the air, and only drink from a bottle.
  • After reaching a safe location/ refuge, change clothes  and wash your hands properly.
  • From a safe position, notify Fire & Emergency Services, Police, and medical services.
  • Listen to the PA (Public Address) system of the plant/factory, local radio/TV stations for guidance from the district administration, fire/health/police, and other concerned authorities.
  • Give the government official the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.
  • Notify others about the event’s occurrence at public gathering locations (like school, shopping centre, theatre etc.)..
  • Ignore rumours and don’t spread them.

Precautions to Take During Normal Hours:

  • In the identified hazardous location, do not smoke, light a fire, or make a spark.
  • Residents living near industrial units should be made more aware of the nature of industrial units and the risks that come with them.
  • For emergency use, write down the phone numbers for the nearest hazardous industry, fire station, police station, control room, health services, and district control room.
  • If at all feasible, avoid living near industries that produce or process dangerous chemicals.
  • Participate in the preparation of a disaster management strategy for the community, as well as the identification of safe shelter and safe and easy access routes.
  • Prepare a family disaster management plan and discuss it with everyone in the household.
  • Make your family and neighbours aware of the basic features of numerous poisonous/ dangerous compounds, as well as the first aid which must be required to treat them.
  • In order to deal with an emergency situation, an adequate amount of personal protective equipment must be accessible.
  • Prepare an emergency kit with medications, documents, and valuables in the house.

More details can be found here:

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