
Absorbing Property of SopUpTM

by in Absorbant advantages, Absorbing property, Coco Absorbant April 24, 2021

SopUpTM Coco Absorbant is made from Coconut coir, the fibrous material derived from coconut shells, a by-product of the Coconut industry. 

Superior absorbance is the key attribute that establishes Coco Coir as an ‘Natural Absorbent’. The molecular structure of coir fiber is a Hexagonal (honeycomb-like), providing a stable stretch bound and interlink between each fiber. 

The hallow and narrow structure of hexagon will benefit in water retention property of coir fiber and makes it absolute absorbent.  

Chemically, the carbolic group (Phenol) present in coir fiber is effective in bonding hydrocarbon and water. Those capillary tubes in fiber cells will dra in hydrocarbons instantly, cleaning up in a fraction of seconds. 

A single fiber of coco coir consists of lacuna and numerous elementary fibers in it. Lacuna creates a gap, elementary fiber is composed of multiple cellulose-lignin cells. The compact comprehension of these two main cell structures will give rise to voids in between.

Source: Sematic Scholar

These voids result in bringing about loose, lower density, lighter composite weight. 

Composition by natural, coir material pulls in all kinds of hydrocarbon and water-insoluble chemicals, making cleaning safer-simpler-easier. 

Given that, you require much less coir than clay; saving both money and time. 

SopUpTM Coco Absorbant absorbs up to 10 times its own weight. To say, if 1 gallon of oil spilled, if requires around 5 lbs of Absorbent Clay while, it only takes 2lbs of Coir Absorbent to fend off all spillage. 

With natural, sustainable and affordable SopUpTM Coco Absorbant in hand, we can clean ecologically, uphold organic use. 
