
How to clean Spilled Oil using SopUpTM Coco Absorbant

by in Absorbant advantages, Coco Absorbant September 4, 2021

SopUp Coco absorbant is a biodegradable material made up of coco coir derived products which has absorbing properties. It is manufactured and produced by The Coco Depot.

The rapid action of absorbing the spilled liquids makes the work more easier. It is safe to use and does a great job in absorbing liquids of different viscosity. 

It is very dangerous to handle spilled materials which are hazardous with bare hands, as it may cause irritation or skin damage.

Why SopUp Coco Absorbent?

Points to know before you dive more,
– To clear spilled oil or any hazardous chemicals
– Made up of natural source
– Environmental friendly
– Can be used to clean industrial waste, household waste, environmental waste, automotive waste.

It is better to clean the space as soon as possible as there will be a stain left if not attended for a longer period. It takes lot of time as well as energy to clean the space when it’s quite messier. It is better to use an absorbent to fix the space rather than brooming or scrubbing it.

SopUp comes as a rescuer.

SopUp absorbs the oil in no time and effectively without leaving any residues. It also absorbs higher volume of liquid with less amount of product.

How to use it??

Step 1:

When there is a spill on the floor or any other surfaces, spill the SopUp absorbant powder on the spilled surface covering all the edges.
Cover the entire space of the spillage. Since it is lighter in weight, it can be spread faster.

 Step 2:

Once the SopUp absorbant is completely spread over the surface, swipe the absorbant in backward and forward direction with a brush or sweeper until the liquid is completely absorbed.

Step 3:

Brush out or scrape the absorbant using a brush and transfer it into a bin. After cleaning it up, spill some additional amount of absorbant and repeat the procedure, if needed to make the space crystal clear.
